GS-IT-Recruitment - Outsource your SAP Recruitment
We offer outsourcing solutions to support your SAP recruitment strategy
Rapid Business Expansion?
If your Recruitment business is growing fast and you are rapidly bringing onboard more clients than you can handle, consider outsourcing your recruitment to us.
Bespoke SAP Recruitment Solutions
We can take full ownership for managing your internal recruitment strategy by managing the full end-to-end recruitment process or just one part, such as candidate search & selection.
We can build a managed service that’s bespoke to your needs focusing on the following key areas:
Talent identification – we analyse the market and target people with the right SAP skills for your vacancies
Talent acquisition – we work with you to develop your employer brand, helping you attract the best talent
Talent evaluation – we create bespoke assessments to ensure we find the SAP consultants who are committed to high performance and continuous development
Talent engagement – we can complete pre-employment vetting and onboarding of SAP experts to ensure full compliance and success from day one.
Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you.
Risk Free Recruitment
We work on a "No-Placement-No-Fee" basis so in the unlikely event that we cannot find you the perfect matching SAP candidate, there is nothing to pay us!
Quality Guaranteed
Speed, Quality and Price is how we like to be judged and we're confident of your satisfaction.
“I have tried other so called "specialist SAP" recruitment agencies, but GS-IT are the only ones to consistently deliver the SAP resources I need every times!”
John Smith, SAP Finance Manager, UK
“This is the best SAP recruitment agency I have ever worked with in my 20 years of SAP consulting. Given the choice, I'd always choose to accept a role via GS-IT rather than another agency. I highly recommend them.”